We have provided a detailed breakdown of our services and fees below, Fully Managed, Let and Rent Collection and Finder Only. You will also find a condensed version in our Landlord Fees Breakdown here.
For any independent Landlords i.e. those who manage their properties themselves, looking for support with contracts, written statements, Check In reports, management visits etc, our fees are also included here. You can find all forms for managing a rental property at Renting homes: forms for landlords | GOV.WALES
For any queries or if you’d like to discuss further give us a call on 01656 766666 where a member of the team will be happy to help.
Fully Managed Service
Monthly management fee of 12% inc VAT of each monthly rent. Minimum charge of £75 per month.
All prices listed are inclusive of VAT.
Under Porters Fully Managed Services you have as little or as much involvement in the management of your rental property as you wish. This service provides the opportunity for you as a Landlord to take a stress free route by leaving it to us to ensure your property is Fit For Human Habitation (FFHH) and fully compliant throughout the duration of your Contract. You will need to register with Rent Smart Wales but as your managing agent we will be licensed on your behalf, so it’s one less thing for you to do.
Administration fee - £160.00
In preparation of letting your property through Porters, all safety and regulatory checks, marketing and contractual obligations will be undertaken. Your Occupation Contract and Written Statement will be created for electronic signing by all parties.
Check In Report - £120.00
A comprehensive Check-In report will be created to catalogue the standard of the property including fixtures, fittings and the gardens. The Check-In report will be emailed to your Contract Holder via our KPR portal on the day the Contract starts and must be reviewed to ensure it is accurate. After that, the report is signed, locked and used as the comparison tool for when your Contract Holder vacates the property. It is one of the most important documents you need as a Landlord as it is used for comparison against the Check Out Report as evidence, should any disputes arise at the end of Contract.
Under our fully managed option, our service includes:
- Accurate and researched market appraisal to ensure the correct price for your property
- Marketing using leading advertising portals, social media and our website
- Guidance and advice on mandatory requirements and Laws for Landlords in Wales
- Accompanied viewing appointments to find a suitable Contract Holder, including evening appointments
- Safety and regulation checks to ensure all certifications are in place
- Referencing checks on Contract Holders
- Check In Report created digitally, which on average is a 60+ page document
- Drawing up of Written Statement and Occupation Contract to be signed electronically
- Registering of the deposit through TDS at no extra cost to you
- Certification management to obtain and maintain compliance
- Property management visits to ensure the standard of the property is maintained and Fit For Human Habitation (FFHH)
- Annual rent reviews to ensure that you are obtaining the current market value for your investment
- All maintenance issues documented, reported and dealt with efficiently at no additional fee
- Check Out Report created digitally to document the property’s condition at the end of the Contract. Any issues for the Contract Holder and/or the Landlord will be highlighted
- Facilitate end of Contract deposit returns via The Depositary from start to finish and deal with any disputes regarding the deposit, escalate and submit disputes to the TDS if required.
We can also offer a rent guarantee policy with competitive rates provided by Rightmove Insurances. If you're interested we can arrange for them to contact you upon request to provide you with a quote.
Let and Rent Collection Service
Monthly management fee of 6% inc VAT of each monthly rent. Minimum charge of £50 per month.
All prices listed are inclusive of VAT.
Under Porters Let and Rent collection service you must be registered and licensed with Rent Smart Wales for the management of your property. You will be responsible for ensuring your property is Fit For Human Habitation (FFHH) and compliant to rent a home in Wales throughout the duration of the Contract. Your rent collection will be managed by Porters Estate Agents. Should you not provide certification when it becomes due, your rent cannot be paid to you.
Administration fee - £160.00
In preparation of letting your property through Porters, all safety and regulatory checks, marketing and contractual obligations will be undertaken. Your Occupation Contract and Written Statement will be created for electronic signing by all parties.
Check In report - £120.00
A comprehensive Check-In report will be created to catalogue the standard of the property including fixtures, fittings and the gardens. The Check-In report will be emailed to your Contract Holder via our KPR portal on the day the Contract starts and must be reviewed to ensure it is accurate. After that, the report is signed, locked and used as the comparison tool for when your Contract Holder vacates the property. It is one of the most important documents you need as a Landlord as it is used for comparison against the Check Out Report as evidence, should any disputes arise at the end of Contract.
Annual certificate and compliance check - £75.00 per annum.
Ensuring your property remains fully compliant at all times is a priority to us, under our Let and Rent Collection service all certificates must be provided ahead of their expiry. With the annual certificate and compliance check service we will update you prior to the expiry of all regulatory certificates or alarms at your rental property. You can arrange for these to be carried out by your own contractors or we can make the neccesary arrangements with our contractors on your behalf. N.B. Failure to provide certificates on time can cause delays to your rental payments being made and put you at risk of incurring fines.
Under our Let and Rent Collection option, our service includes:
- Accurate and researched market appraisal to ensure the correct price for your property
- Marketing using leading advertising portals, social media and our website
- Guidance and advice on mandatory requirements and Laws for Landlords in Wales
- Accompanied viewing appointments to find a suitable Contract Holder, including evening appointments
- Safety and regulation checks to ensure all certifications are in place
- Referencing checks on Contract Holders
- Check In Report created digitally, which on average is a 60+ page document
- Drawing up of Written Statement and Occupation Contract to be signed electronically
- Registering of the deposit through TDS at no extra cost to you
*A Check Out Report is available at a cost of £150 when your Contract Holder moves out. It is created digitally to document the property’s condition at the end of the Contract. Any issues for the Contract Holder and/or the Landlord will be highlighted and can be compared to your original Check In report. The two reports can be used for differences, damage or change, with fair wear and tear taken into consideration for deposit returns.
We can also offer a rent guarantee policy with competitive rates provided by Rightmove Insurances. If you're interested we can arrange for them to contact you upon request to provide you with a quote.
Finder Only Service
£450.00 inc VAT.
All prices listed are inclusive of VAT.
Under Porters Finder Only Service you must be registered and licensed with Rent Smart Wales for the management of your property. You will be responsible for ensuring your property is Fit For Human Habitation (FFHH) and compliant to rent a home in Wales throughout the duration of your Contract. In preparation of letting your property, Porters will ensure all safety and regulatory checks are in order, all marketing and contractual obligations will be undertaken. Your Occupation Contract and Written Statement will be created for electronic signing by all parties.
Check In report - £120.00
A comprehensive Check-In report will be created to catalogue the standard of the property including fixtures, fittings and the gardens. The Check-In report will be emailed to your Contract Holder via our KPR portal on the day the Contract starts and must be reviewed to ensure it is accurate. After that, the report is signed, locked and used as the comparison tool for when your Contract Holder vacates the property. It is one of the most important documents you need as a Landlord as it is used for comparison against the Check Out Report as evidence, should any disputes arise at the end of Contract.
Annual certificate and compliance check - £75.00 per annum.
Ensuring your property remains fully compliant at all times is a priority to us and therefore we have introduced a new service to our Finder Only Landlords. With the annual certificate and compliance check service we will update you prior to the expiry of all regulatory certificates or alarms at your rental property. You can arrange for these to be carried out by your own contractors or we can make the neccesary arrangements with our contractors on your behalf. N.B. Failure to ensure you have all relevant certificates in place can put you at risk of incurring fines.
Under our Finder Only option, our service includes:
- Accurate and researched market appraisal to ensure the correct price for your property
- Marketing using leading advertising portals, social media and our website
- Guidance and advice on mandatory requirements and Laws for Landlords in Wales
- Accompanied viewing appointments to find a suitable Contract Holder, including evening appointments
- Safety and regulation checks to ensure all certifications are in place
- Referencing checks on Contract Holders
- Check In Report created digitally, which on average is a 60+ page document
- Drawing up of Written Statement and Occupation Contract to be signed electronically
*A Check Out Report is available at a cost of £150 when your Contract Holder moves out. It is created digitally to document the property’s condition at the end of the Contract. Any issues for the Contract Holder and/or the Landlord will be highlighted and can be compared to your original Check In report. The two reports can be used for differences, damage or change, with fair wear and tear taken into consideration for deposit returns.
We can also offer a rent guarantee policy with competitive rates provided by Rightmove Insurances. If you're interested we can arrange for them to contact you upon request to provide you with a quote.
Costs for safety measures to be put in place if not already provided, all costs are including VAT:
*All legally required certificates must be supplied at least three days prior to the start of the Contract. If they have not been provided, the necessary certificates will be provided by our Contractors and you will be invoiced accordingly to ensure your property is compliant.
Gas safety certificate £70.00
It is the Landlord’s responsibility to ensure that all gas appliances (boilers, cookers, gas fires, pipework and flues) are maintained in good order and checked for safety at least every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Landlords are obliged to give their Contract Holders a copy of this gas safety record within 28 days of it being carried out. The regulations also state that you must retain the gas safety record for a period of 2 years. All appliances in properties let by Porters must be checked for safety by a Gas Safe registered engineer annually on the anniversary of the previous inspection. For more information please visit www.gassaferegister.co.uk
Electrical safety certificate
Up to a 3 bedroom - £132.00
4 or more bedroom - £160.00
As of 01 December 2022 the Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) (Wales) Regulations, all Landlords in Wales must supply Contract Holders with an Electrical Safety Certificate which must be renewed every 5 years. Landlords have 12 months from December 2022 to comply with this regulation.
Mains installed smoke alarms
One alarm - £198
Two alarms - £316.80
Three alarms - £438.00
From 01 December 2022 the the Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitiation) (Wales) Regulations came into force. All landlords in Wales must ensure their properties meet the new legislation in order to be classified as 'Fit For Human Habitation' or FFHH. New rules on smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are stipulated as part of the regulations. Smoke alarms must be installed on every storey of a dwelling. The alarm must also be connected to the electrical supply and linked to any other smoke alarms that have to be fitted under the regulations.
Carbon monoxide alarm fitted - £85.00
Carbon alarms must be present in any room which has a gas, oil or solid fuel-burning appliance. This applies to all rented properties.
Legionnaires risk assessment - £85.00
Legionnaires' disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by the inhalation of small droplets of contaminated water containing Legionella. All man-made hot and cold water systems are likely to provide an environment where Legionella can grow. The law is clear that if you are a Landlord and rent out your property (or even a room within your own home) then you have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your Contract Holder by keeping the property safe and free from health hazards. You can find further information on Legionnaires' disease below.
Legionnaires' disease - Legionella and landlords' responsibilities (hse.gov.uk)
Fit For Human Habitation certificate (FFHH) - £80.00
Part 4 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 (The Act) sets out the obligations placed on a landlord with regard to the condition of a rental property. These obligations apply to all Occupation Contracts made for a term of less than seven years. A landlord under an Occupation Contract is obliged to ensure a dwelling is both in repair and Fit For Human Habitation (FFHH). A FFHH report is created digitally ahead of the Contract Holder’s move in date and a certificate is generated for your records.
EPC Energy Performance Certificate - £70.00
From 1st October 2008, all rental properties are required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which rates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of your property on a scale from A to G. The EPC must be made available to prospective Contract Holders before a new contract. The EPC is valid for 10 years and must be of rating E or above.
Additional Services
These services are also available to independent Landlords and inc VAT:
Renewal of a Contract - £150.00
Porters Estate Agents have the knowledge, experience and technology to create the renewal of Occupation Contracts for you as a Landlord and your Contract Holder. An Occupation Contract is drawn up with your written statement, EPC, EICR and Gas Certificate for the electronic signing by all parties.
Check in report - £150.00
A check in report is an in depth report including images, to catalogue the condition of the rental property at the beginning of the Contract. This is created digitally ahead of the Contract start date and is signed by the Contract Holder. This is one of the most important documents you need as a Landlord as it is used for comparison against the check out report as evidence, should any disputes arise at the end of Contract.
Check out report - £150.00
A check out report is an in-depth report including images, to catalogue the condition of the rental property at the end of the Contract. This is created digitally when your Contract Holder has left the property. This report is used to compare against your check in report to confirm if any issues or damage has arisen during the Contract. This is included in our Fully Managed Service.
Serving legal Notices
For clients who are Landlords - £90.00
For independent Landlords - £140.00
Annual certificate and compliance check - £75.00 per annum for Let and Rent Collection or Finder Only Landlords. Included in Fully Managed.
Interim property management visits - £60.00
All fully managed properties are checked regularly which is included in the fully managed package. We thoroughly recommend all Landlords conduct visits to ensure the property is being maintained by the Contract Holder and is maintained to a Fit For Human Habitation standard, with regulatory checks also carried out. A documented report including images is created digitally. As an independent Landlord this service is also available to you.
Duplicate statement - £5.00
Annual statements - £60.00
Assistance/advice on legal matters inc eviction - £25.00 per hour
Other information - In the event of the Landlord requiring Porters to provide information for the purpose of any tax return to a person authorised to receive such information, Porters will charge a fee of £50.00 including VAT to the Landlord.
Changing managing agent or taking over management - 30% of the monthly rental amount.
Landlord Fees Breakdown
These costs are associated with each Contract including VAT:
Fully Managed Administration fee Check In report | 12% of each monthly rent. Min charge of £75 per month. £160.00 £120.00 |
Let and Rent Collection Administration fee Check In Report Annual certificate and compliance check - £75.00 per annum | 6% of each monthly rent. Min charge of £50 per month. £160.00 £120.00 |
Finder Only Check In Report Annual certificate and compliance check - £75.00 per annum | £450.00 £120.00 |
Costs for safety measures that will be put in place if none are provided to us, including VAT:
*All legally required certificates must be supplied at least three days prior to the start of the contract. If they have not been provided, the necessary certificates will be provided by our Contractors and you will be invoiced accordingly to ensure your property is compliant.
Gas Safety Certificate £70.00
Legionnaires Risk Assessment £85.00
FFHH (Fit For Human Habitation) Certificate £80.00
EPC (Energy Performance) Certificate £70.00
Electrical Safety Certificate up to a 3 bedroom £132.00
Electrical Safety Certificate 4 bedroom + £160.00
Fitted Carbon Monoxide Alarm £85.00
Mains Fitted Smoke Alarm 1 Floor £198.00
Mains Fitted Smoke Alarms 2 Floors £316.80
Mains Fitted Smoke Alarms 3 Floors £438.00
Additional services
These services are also available to independent Landlords and inc VAT:
Renewal of Contract £150.00 - Landlord clients
Renewal of Contract £180.00 - independent Landlords
Reference checks for Contract Holders due to change of circumstances or Contracts £75.00 - for all Landlords
Check In Report £120.00 - Fully Managed/Finder Only/Let and Rent Collection Only
Check In Report £150.00 - independent Landlords
Check Out Report £150.00 included in Fully Managed ONLY
Serving of all Legal Notices £90.00 - Landlord clients
Serving of all Legal Notices £140.00 - independent Landlords
Duplicate Statements £5.00
Annual Statements £40.00
Assistance and advice on legal matters including eviction £25.00 per hour
Other information - In the event of the Landlord requiring Porters to provide information for the purpose of any tax return to a person authorised to receive such information, Porters will charge a fee of £50.00 including VAT to the Landlord.
Changing Managing Agent or taking over Management 30% of the monthly rental amount
Porters are a registered member of the Propertymark Client Money Protection Scheme. This is a client money protection scheme to ensure your money is handled within the correct manner.
Download a copy of our Propertymark Client Money Protection Certificate here.
You can review the Propertymark Conduct and Membership Rules here.
We are also members of The Property Ombudsman (TPO), which is a redress scheme for consumer complaints.