Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from Contract Holders before, during and after their time renting with us at Porters. We hope these help but if there are any other queries you may have please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01656 766666 or email us at

I'm looking for a rental property, where do I start? 

Before you do anything, work out your budget. Consider your current outgoings and how much money you have left each month for your rent. Remember when you find your ideal home, you will need to pay a deposit and first month’s rent before moving in. Next, the property size to suit your circumstances. Once you have done this, head to our website check our Properties to Rent and call us on 01656 766666 to make an appointment.

When I find a property I like, what do I need to apply? 

Firstly, you will need to have viewed the property in person. During your viewing you will have been given the required information to make an application. Follow the instructions on the email and paperwork that you receive.  Complete your application and submit it by email along with your proof of ID, proof of address and credit score. Your application will be submitted for consideration of the Landlord.

I have a pet, will they be accepted?

This is a decision made by Landlords and is dealt with individually for each property. Please ask a member of staff for further information when booking your appointment.

Why do I have to be referenced? 

Every applicant is referenced to ensure they are in a financial position to afford their rent now and in the future.  If you have rented previously, we will need to know that you maintained the property and paid your rent on time.

My references haven't passed on my income alone, what can I do?

Don't panic! The referencing company will provide alternative suggestions on how your references can be completed, this could be through the use of a Guarantor or rent payment in advance. Sometimes this isn’t possible though and we will need to re advertise the property.

I've just moved in, where will I find emergency contact details if something goes wrong?

Head to Contract Holder information tab on our website and you will find all emergency contact details as well as the maintenance reporting link for any non emergency issues.

I have an issue in my property how do I report it?

You will have been given the details to our KPR maintenance portal to report any maintenance issues in your move in letter. If your issue is an emergency please use the emergency contact numbers. Please remember that if the issue is not an emergency, you could be charged.  

I want to leave the property I'm renting, what should I do? 

If you are in a fixed term period and want to leave then you will need permission from your Landlord to be released early from your Contract, if they do not provide permission you are contracted until the end of your fixed term and will remain responsible for the payment of your full rent. If you are on a periodic Contract we will need at least 4 weeks notice in writing (email) stating your intention to leave and the date you wish to end your Contract.

I've moved out of the property I was renting, what happens now?

We will carry out the official ‘move out’ report of the property once we have your keys. If there are no issues and you have provided proof that your Welsh Water account has been settled, your deposit will be returned immediately. If there are issues at the property that you and your Landlord don’t agree with, we will register a dispute with the TDS who your deposit is registered with. They will make the final and impartial decision.